The buttons
intro buttons
Primary button
The primary button is used as the main call to action
Secondary button
The secondary button is used for subordinate actions
Text button
The text button can be used for a more subtle call to action.
Stretched primary button
The stretched primary can be used, like the primary as the main call to action.
However, it should only be used on smaller viewports or smaller containers, never on the full width of large viewports.
Button groups
Except for the stretched primary button, other buttons can be placed in groups.
However, when buttons for more or less opposite actions are combined, the combination should be a text button and a primary button, with the primary button on the right.
Other combinations can be used more freely, depending on the situation.
Icon buttons
Buttons can be accompanied by an icon to emphasize its function.
Icons should always be positioned left of the button-copy, except for a right pointing chevron, in which case the icon should be placed right of the button-copy
Position of buttons
Buttons, whether a single button or a group, should be right-aligned
example: buttons used in a card
A card title
And some content and some interactive elements, in this case buttons