The colors

Main colors

The primary color is burgundy.


The primary color is always accompanied by one of the secondary colors


Next to these colors, a complementary gray (85% black) is used exclusively for text.

dark grey

Background colors

light grey
light blue

Accessibility guidelines on colors

to respect accessibility standards as defined in succes criterion 1.4.3 of WCAG 2.1, solid contrast ratios are required and defined for following elements:

  • regular text: font-size less than 18pt and font-weight normal.
  • large text: font-size 14pt or more and font-weight bold or font-size 18pt or more and font-weight normal.
  • interface elements: icons, border, buttons or other elements that are part of the user interface.
  • decorative elements: icons, visuals, logo's, that only have a decorative function. Meaning that if these elements should not be present, there would be no impact on the usability of the application or website.

Next you can find if standards are met for above elements in the given color combination.
Be aware that switching background- and foregroundcolor has no influence on the contrast-ratio.

Colour combinations not included in the overview below may not be used at all.

Even though the following overview shows all possible colour combinations allowed by the WCAG, each basic element and component has its own style characteristics determined by the styleguide, which can set additional restrictions on colour use.

Color combinations with no limitations

regular text
large text
interface elements
decorative elements
regular text
large text
interface elements
decorative elements
regular text
large text
interface elements
decorative elements
regular text
large text
interface elements
decorative elements
regular text
large text
interface elements
decorative elements
regular text
large text
interface elements
decorative elements

Color combinations with some limitations

regular text
large text
interface elements
decorative elements
regular text
large text
interface elements
decorative elements

Color combinations with the most limitations

As can be seen in next overview, these combinations can only be used for decorative items!

regular text
large text
interface elements
decorative elements
regular text
large text
interface elements
decorative elements
regular text
large text
interface elements
decorative elements
regular text
large text
interface elements
decorative elements
regular text
large text
interface elements
decorative elements
regular text
large text
interface elements
decorative elements